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大数据应用 StudySpots,我们去哪儿上自习?

大数据应用 StudySpots,我们去哪儿上自习?


昨天的 TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon 大会上,一个由 5 个年轻姑娘组成的团队,展示了一款帮你决定学习地点的应用 StudySpots,它能够根据当地天气和你的心情,给出一个最佳的学习建议。

StudySpots 的使用很简单。输入当地的邮政编码后,它会告诉你当日的天气状况。之后你要选择现在的状态和心情:注意力正集中,或是拖延症发作中……接下来,StudySpots 就会在地图上为你标注一系列的合适地点,可能会有咖啡厅、图书馆、公园等。

大数据应用 StudySpots,我们去哪儿上自习?

StudySpots 的团队中,有三个高年级高中生和两个大一大学生。这 5 个姑娘的灵感来自一份研究学习和环境的报告。报告中说,合适的学习环境能够帮助记忆的增强。不同的环境中,大脑会自觉或不自觉地以不同方式,处理信息和感觉之间的关系,从而造成不同的记忆效果。

看似简单的一个理念,其实有着不小的商业潜力。StudySpots 基于地理位置的服务,可以和当地的商家合作,一方面完善“地点库”,让用户有更多的选择,另一方面提升商铺的推广渠道。

此外,StudySpots 也可以生长成为一个社区,比如同校的学生可以讨论哪里适合学习,或者组织学习活动、沙龙等等。

而目前的 StudySpots,只有两种情绪可以选择,如果增加更多的可选项,也许会有更为有趣、有针对性的结果。不过,前提是它的数据库足够强大。

基于学生群体的互联网产品,着重点在于“个性化”。无论是脸萌,还是红点头像,新一代年轻用户都希望能够标榜个人特质。StudySpots 不仅能够抓住这一点,同时也找准了一个市场空白。虽说现在的它看起来过于简单,考虑到开发者是 5 个学生,StudySpots 依然是一款出色的应用。


I wish StudySpots had been around when I was a college student. I’d spend hours hunched over books and my laptop in my dorm room or the same cubicle at the library, accumulating a layer of grime and tears as I crammed for an exam or struggled through a term paper.

StudySpots, presented by a team of five young women from Girls Who Code, wants to prevent students from turning into accidental hermits. The site, which presented at San Francisco TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon today, presents you with a list of study spots based on the weather and your mood.

The team behind StudySpots—Roxy Banik, Natasha Driver, Nikki Allen, Michelle Polton-Simon, and Lily Yuan—includes three high school seniors and two college freshmen. They were inspired by research that shows studying in different locations, instead of just confining yourself in one place all the time, can actually help with memory retention because the brain makes associations between information and the sensations it experiences, consciously or not, in different environments.

To use StudySpots, you first enter your zip code so the site knows how the weather is in your location, and then you choose your state of mind: focused and ready to roll or in the mood to procrastinate. Then based on those two factors, StudySpots gives you a list of places, including cafes, parks, and libraries, where you should go.

StudySpots is based on a simple idea, but I think it has the potential to vastly improve the life of students. Not only would studying in different places help boost their information retention, but it would also help them escape the bubble of campus living and improve their mood by decreasing isolation. By patronizing local businesses and venues, students can also help the economy of the area their campus is located in and build better “town/gown” relationships.To monetize and grow, StudySpots would expand with sponsored deals and pictures of locations, so students can get a preview of study spots before they haul their laptop out.

The five women participated in today’s Hackathon as part of a partnership between Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization, and Cambio, a site geared toward Millennials that is run by AOL (which also owns TechCrunch). They’ve spent this summer rebuilding Cambio, which gets 7.5 million unique views a month, and took a quick break from working on the site and school to fly to San Francisco from New York for the Hackathon. via:爱范儿


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