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案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测

案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测

作者简介: 唐宇迪,深度学习领域多年一线实践研究专家,同济大学硕士。 主要研究深度学习领域,计算机视觉,图像识别。精通机器学习,热爱各种开源技术尤其人工智能方向。在图像识别领域有着丰富经验,实现过包括人脸识别,物体识别,关键点检测等多种应用的最新算法。



import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionfrom sklearn.cross_validation import KFold, cross_val_scorefrom sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix,recall_score,classification_report 

Numpy-科学计算库 主要用来做矩阵运算,什么?你不知道哪里会用到矩阵,那么这样想吧,咱们的数据就是行(样本)和列(特征)组成的,那么数据本身不就是一个矩阵嘛。

Pandas-数据分析处理库 很多小伙伴都在说用python处理数据很容易,那么容易在哪呢?其实有了pandas很复杂的操作我们也可以一行代码去解决掉! 
Matplotlib-可视化库 无论是分析还是建模,光靠好记性可不行,很有必要把结果和过程可视化的展示出来。

Scikit-Learn-机器学习库 非常实用的机器学习算法库,这里面包含了基本你觉得你能用上所有机器学习算法啦。但还远不止如此,还有很多预处理和评估的模块等你来挖掘的!

data = pd.read_csv("creditcard.csv") data.head()

案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测



count_classes = pd.value_counts(data['Class'], sort = True).sort_index() count_classes.plot(kind = 'bar') plt.title("Fraud class histogram") plt.xlabel("Class") plt.ylabel("Frequency")

案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测


这里我们提出两种解决方案 也是数据分析中最常用的两种方法,下采样过采样

先挑个软柿子捏,下采样比较简单实现,咱们就先搞定第一种方案!下采样的意思就是说,不是两类数据不均衡吗,那我让你们同样少(也就是1有多少个 0就消减成多少个),这样不就均衡了吗?

X = data.ix[:, data.columns != 'Class']y = data.ix[:, data.columns == 'Class']# Number of data points in the minority classnumber_records_fraud = len(data[data.Class == 1])fraud_indices = np.array(data[data.Class == 1].index)# Picking the indices of the normal classesnormal_indices = data[data.Class == 0].index# Out of the indices we picked, randomly select "x" number (number_records_fraud)random_normal_indices = np.random.choice(normal_indices, number_records_fraud, replace = False)random_normal_indices = np.array(random_normal_indices)# Appending the 2 indicesunder_sample_indices = np.concatenate([fraud_indices,random_normal_indices])# Under sample datasetunder_sample_data = data.iloc[under_sample_indices,:]X_undersample = under_sample_data.ix[:, under_sample_data.columns != 'Class']y_undersample = under_sample_data.ix[:, under_sample_data.columns == 'Class']# Showing ratioprint("Percentage of normal transactions: ", len(under_sample_data[under_sample_data.Class == 0])/len(under_sample_data))print("Percentage of fraud transactions: ", len(under_sample_data[under_sample_data.Class == 1])/len(under_sample_data))print("Total number of transactions in resampled data: ", len(under_sample_data))Percentage of normal transactions:  0.5Percentage of fraud transactions:  0.5Total number of transactions in resampled data:  984


def printing_Kfold_scores(x_train_data,y_train_data):     fold = KFold(len(y_train_data),5,shuffle=False)       # Different C parameters     c_param_range = [0.01,0.1,1,10,100]      results_table = pd.DataFrame(index = range(len(c_param_range),2), columns = ['C_parameter','Mean recall score'])     results_table['C_parameter'] = c_param_range    # the k-fold will give 2 lists: train_indices = indices[0], test_indices = indices[1]     j = 0     for c_param in c_param_range:         print('-------------------------------------------')         print('C parameter: ', c_param)         print('-------------------------------------------')         print('')          recall_accs = []        for iteration, indices in enumerate(fold,start=1):            # Call the logistic regression model with a certain C parameter             lr = LogisticRegression(C = c_param, penalty = 'l1')            # Use the training data to fit the model. In this case, we use the portion of the fold to train the model             # with indices[0]. We then predict on the portion assigned as the 'test cross validation' with indices[1]             lr.fit(x_train_data.iloc[indices[0],:],y_train_data.iloc[indices[0],:].values.ravel())            # Predict values using the test indices in the training data             y_pred_undersample = lr.predict(x_train_data.iloc[indices[1],:].values)            # Calculate the recall score and append it to a list for recall scores representing the current c_parameter             recall_acc = recall_score(y_train_data.iloc[indices[1],:].values,y_pred_undersample)             recall_accs.append(recall_acc)             print('Iteration ', iteration,': recall score = ', recall_acc)        # The mean value of those recall scores is the metric we want to save and get hold of.         results_table.ix[j,'Mean recall score'] = np.mean(recall_accs)         j += 1         print('')         print('Mean recall score ', np.mean(recall_accs))         print('')      best_c = results_table.loc[results_table['Mean recall score'].idxmax()]['C_parameter']    # Finally, we can check which C parameter is the best amongst the chosen.     print('*********************************************************************************')     print('Best model to choose from cross validation is with C parameter = ', best_c)     print('*********************************************************************************')    return best_c best_c = printing_Kfold_scores(X_train_undersample,y_train_undersample)



C parameter: 0.01

Iteration 1 : recall score = 0.958904109589 
Iteration 2 : recall score = 0.917808219178 
Iteration 3 : recall score = 1.0 
Iteration 4 : recall score = 0.972972972973 
Iteration 5 : recall score = 0.954545454545

Mean recall score 0.960846151257

C parameter: 0.1

Iteration 1 : recall score = 0.835616438356 
Iteration 2 : recall score = 0.86301369863 
Iteration 3 : recall score = 0.915254237288 
Iteration 4 : recall score = 0.932432432432 
Iteration 5 : recall score = 0.878787878788

Mean recall score 0.885020937099

C parameter: 1

Iteration 1 : recall score = 0.835616438356 
Iteration 2 : recall score = 0.86301369863 
Iteration 3 : recall score = 0.966101694915 
Iteration 4 : recall score = 0.945945945946 
Iteration 5 : recall score = 0.893939393939

Mean recall score 0.900923434357

C parameter: 10

Iteration 1 : recall score = 0.849315068493 
Iteration 2 : recall score = 0.86301369863 
Iteration 3 : recall score = 0.966101694915 
Iteration 4 : recall score = 0.959459459459 
Iteration 5 : recall score = 0.893939393939

Mean recall score 0.906365863087

C parameter: 100

Iteration 1 : recall score = 0.86301369863 
Iteration 2 : recall score = 0.86301369863 
Iteration 3 : recall score = 0.966101694915 
Iteration 4 : recall score = 0.959459459459 
Iteration 5 : recall score = 0.893939393939

Mean recall score 0.909105589115

Best model to choose from cross validation is with C parameter = 0.01



一般都是用精度来衡量,也就是常说的准确率,但是我们来想一想,我们的目的是什么呢?是不是要检测出来那些异常的样本呀!换个例子来说,假如现在医院给了我们一个任务要检测出来1000个病人中,有癌症的那些人。那么假设数据集中1000个人中有990个无癌症,只有10个有癌症,我们需要把这10个人检测出来。假设我们用精度来衡量,那么即便这10个人没检测出来,也是有 990/1000 也就是99%的精度,但是这个模型却没任何价值!这点是非常重要的,因为不同的评估方法会得出不同的答案,一定要根据问题的本质,去选择最合适的评估方法。


def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,                           title='Confusion matrix',                           cmap=plt.cm.Blues):     """     This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.     """     plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)     plt.title(title)     plt.colorbar()     tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))     plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=0)     plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)      thresh = cm.max() / 2.     for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):         plt.text(j, i, cm[i, j],                  horizontalalignment="center",                  color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")      plt.tight_layout()     plt.ylabel('True label')     plt.xlabel('Predicted label')import itertools lr = LogisticRegression(C = best_c, penalty = 'l1') lr.fit(X_train_undersample,y_train_undersample.values.ravel()) y_pred_undersample = lr.predict(X_test_undersample.values)# Compute confusion matrixcnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test_undersample,y_pred_undersample) np.set_printoptions(precision=2)  print("Recall metric in the testing dataset: ", cnf_matrix[1,1]/(cnf_matrix[1,0]+cnf_matrix[1,1]))# Plot non-normalized confusion matrixclass_names = [0,1] plt.figure() plot_confusion_matrix(cnf_matrix                       , classes=class_names                       , title='Confusion matrix') plt.show()  Recall metric in the testing dataset:  0.931972789116

案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测


lr = LogisticRegression(C = best_c, penalty = 'l1') lr.fit(X_train_undersample,y_train_undersample.values.ravel()) y_pred = lr.predict(X_test.values)# Compute confusion matrixcnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred) np.set_printoptions(precision=2)print("Recall metric in the testing dataset: ", cnf_matrix[1,1]/(cnf_matrix[1,0]+cnf_matrix[1,1]))# Plot non-normalized confusion matrixclass_names = [0,1] plt.figure() plot_confusion_matrix(cnf_matrix                       , classes=class_names                       , title='Confusion matrix') plt.show()

案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测



案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测

上图中我们可以看到不用的阈值产生的影响还是蛮大的,阈值较小,意味着我们的模型非常严格宁肯错杀也不肯放过,这样会使得绝大多数样本都被当成了异常的样本,recall很高,精度稍低 当阈值较大的时候我们的模型就稍微宽松些啦,这个时候会导致recall很低,精度稍高,综上当我们使用逻辑回归算法的时候,还需要根据实际的应用场景来选择一个最恰当的阈值!


案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测


import pandas as pdfrom imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTEfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifierfrom sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrixfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  credit_cards=pd.read_csv('creditcard.csv')  columns=credit_cards.columns# The labels are in the last column ('Class'). Simply remove it to obtain features columnsfeatures_columns=columns.delete(len(columns)-1)  features=credit_cards[features_columns] labels=credit_cards['Class']  features_train, features_test, labels_train, labels_test = train_test_split(features,                                                                              labels,                                                                              test_size=0.2,                                                                              random_state=0)  oversampler=SMOTE(random_state=0) os_features,os_labels=oversampler.fit_sample(features_train,labels_train)


案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测






案例 | 机器学习案例实战:信用卡欺诈检测


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